1. Application
  2. App Icons


App Icons

ToDesktop allows you to upload a single application icon for use across all platforms. Alternatively, you can upload separate icons for Windows, Mac, and Linux. These icons will display in the dock of the operating system that's running your application.

Options for uploading multiple icons

Before uploading your icon, there are general guidelines to know around icon dimensions and design considerations across platforms. Adhering to these guidelines will make your app feel more native to the target platform.

Icon Sizes

Each operating system recommends a different icon size:

Operating System Size
macOS 1024x1024 pixels
Windows 256x256 pixels
Linux 512x512 pixels

When uploading an icon, ToDesktop will accept the .png format, and convert it to the relevant format depending on the operating system (.icns for Mac, .ico for Windows, .png for Linux). ToDesktop will also resize the icons, but it's better to provide icons with the correct dimensions or higher to avoid pixelation. If uploading a single icon, it's thus best to provide a 1024x1024 png file.

Design Considerations

Different platforms have a different set of design guidelines around icon usage. The common thread around design suggestions are to:

  • Maintain a consistent visual style with other icons on the platform.
  • Align the primary content for an icon within an invisible grid bounding box (you can align your icon within a grid using the linked Figma icon template.).
  • Avoid using text or small details that might be difficult to see at smaller sizes.

For more details on each platform's guidelines, you can consult the relevant documents: