
Stay up to date with all of the latest changes for ToDesktop Builder.

July 16, 2024


  • Upgrades to context menu. Spellcheck now works!
  • Add option for disabling open link in new window
  • Support passing through original URL to open-protocol-url


  • Fix potential error with installing new version of plugins
  • Improving handling of detecting oauth URLs
  • Don't duplicate custom domain and fix duplicate app not showing when not on Application view
  • Option to disable sentry if error tracking is disabled
June 4, 2024


  • Upgrade to Electron 30.0.8, Chromium 124.0.6367.230 and Node 20.11.1


  • Better support for whitelist in constructors (e.g... trafficLightPosition on BrowserWindow)
  • Light mode UI fixes
  • Z-index fixes
March 8, 2024


  • Add un-draggable section to the host page so that the find-in-page view is clickable and does not drag the window
  • Focus the host page when find-in-page is closed
  • Windows should have the correct app name (not "ToDesktop") if they are using the Mac-style app menu on Windows or Linux
  • Allow "." character in app protocol
February 16, 2024


  • Add support for customising windows titlebar style
  • Added ability to customise the location of the "Find in page" box
  • Dialog methods are now available via our API
  • Added a button to compare changes since the last release
CleanShot 2024-02-20 at 12 10 57@2x CleanShot 2024-02-20 at 12 12 47@2x


  • Dock visibility changes are now throttled which makes them more resilient
  • Fixed support for more accelerator keys (including comma and period)
  • Various fixes to minimize-to-tray functionality
  • Fullscreen tabbed behaviour on Mac is now simplified to avoid blank screen bugs
  • Show full release date when hovering on prior releases
  • Minor visual fixes
  • Fixed some documentation links
December 1, 2023


  • You can now completely customise how auto-updates are displayed to the user and how often we check for updates in the background
Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 11 28 30 a m


  • Stop showing release preview if progress reset
  • BrowserView fixes for client-core
  • Improved client-side migrations and usage of backfills
November 14, 2023


  • Notification API fix
November 12, 2023


  • Files no longer get stuck on syncing
  • Menu Item Fixes
  • Update links to icon spec documentation
November 2, 2023


  • Minor auto-updater fix
November 1, 2023


  • Upgrade to Electron 27.0.2
  • Support "Desktop" style window — "Desktop" is a window at the desktop background level. Note that these windows cannot receive focus.
  • Add support for HTTP auth prompts
  • Allow backup login process for when browser redirect fails


  • More resiliency in detecting internet connection and showing offline screen
  • Ensure that windows opened with also have access to the ToDesktop client API
  • Fix for drag and drop when reordering menus
  • Cancelling a subscription will now cancel at the end of the month instead of cancelling immediately
  • Improve fetching of cached remote assets
October 10, 2023


  • During a redirect that happens before the page load completes, don't try to reload the URL constantly.
September 27, 2023


  • Ctrl-clicking on a tray will behave as a right-click
  • Make Tray ID editable


  • Move "duplicate" and "delete" actions to in-app menu
  • Support navigating to changelog when there is a new ToDesktop Builder update
September 15, 2023


  • Add Apps Overview
  • Update open window handler rules to accept openInBrowser action
  • Bump Electron to v26.2.1
  • Center panel window in the current monitor
  • Add Clear App Data menu item and granular logs


  • Fix UI caching bug
  • Fix issue with release completed state showing too soon
  • Clarify wording for "remembering dimensions between sessions"
  • Fix memory leak when releasing memory
  • Fix windows controls
  • Intercom now logs users as the correct user


August 29, 2023

What's Changed

  • Allow preventing quit by using newApp.on("before-quit", () => {}, { preventDefault: true } ); client API
  • Polished some rough edges on plugin behaviour
  • Add new app menu actions and fixed some app menu reactivity bugs
August 25, 2023

Compare Apps and Merge Settings Between Apps

If you have a dev app and a staging app

It can useful to create a second app for staging or beta testing your main app. The only problem is that it can be difficult to remember what settings have changed between your staging app and your main app. We now have a feature that allows you to quickly see what the differences are between apps and even merge those changes between apps.

You can find the feature in your app settings in the top-right of the ToDesktop Builder window:

This will allow you to quickly see the differences and choose which changes you want to merge.

What Else Has Changed?

  • Added support for FS Plugin (contact us if you want this)
  • Added ability to set rules dynamically (read more here)
  • Add ability to trigger js event from tray click or right
  • Fix: Delete submenu if it has a length of 0
  • Fix: Use showInactive for showing Panel Windows
August 17, 2023

What's Changed

  • Added link to docs about managing trays/windows programmatically
  • Fixed cancellation window issues
  • Added app menu that allows switching of apps
  • Various text changes to make descriptions more understandable
  • Fixed upgrading to professional workflow
August 10, 2023


  • Support for new Windows Titlebar styles and better UI for Mac Titlebar styles
CleanShot 2023-08-10 at 4 58 13@2x


  • Releases page sometimes errors and is blank
August 1, 2023

ToDesktop Builder 0.17 is our biggest release yet. You can now manage custom domains, distribution artifacts and code-signing certificates on ToDesktop Builder.


  • Use your own custom code signing certificates for your app.
  • Define separate tray actions for Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Added a setting to prevent window contents from being captured by other apps ("Application → Obscure Window Contents").
  • You can now see the Release Progress and Overview live in ToDesktop Builder.
  • You can now manage Custom Domains in ToDesktop Builder (no need to use the web app UI).
  • Allow different behaviour for tray clicks and right clicks on different operating systems.
  • We now wait a small amount of time for the internet connection if it is not available immediately on startup. If still not available then we show the offline screen.
  • Trays now work in Linux.
  • Launch on startup functionality now works on Linux.
  • Support Programmatic Usage of Windows.
  • Live chat with support from the help menu.


  • We now do a full build (not fast build) if there is a new version of ToDesktop Builder.
  • Default for resetting window dimensions when launching the app is now false.
  • visibleOnAllWorkspaces property should not be true when creating a "Simple window app".
  • Fix inconsistent app name when running a local build (compared with the released version of the app).
  • Display first app menu correctly on Mac.
  • Fix error when toggle-window option is a menubar window.
  • Prevent deletion of app under certain conditions.
  • Fix broken shadow on window when in background.
ToDesktop Builder UI
May 31, 2023


  • Website URL is no longer required if you are using an offline file instead
  • Clarified UI text relating to Window Visibility
  • Fixed Issue with Certain Tooltips Remaining Active
  • Support parsing error messages defined on a plugin schema
  • Fix plugin issues related to the file system
May 26, 2023


  • Correct auto-update issue because of incorrect appModelId polyfill
May 25, 2023


  • When cleaning the deeplink protocol we fixed an issue where we downcase the entire URL
  • Notification title now shows correct app title on Windows when notification (with image icon) is triggered
May 25, 2023


  • Increased logging to help debugging of renderer crashes
  • Fixes related to loading V2 plugins
May 23, 2023


  • Fix deeplinks on windows
  • Enforce lowercase app-protocol definitions
  • Report correct desktopifyVersion on fast run
  • Redirect to app subscription from web app UI when required
May 18, 2023


  • We've spent a lot of time optimizing our code and reducing code where it isn't needed. ToDesktop Builder itself is over 25% smaller than it was before and when you release your app with ToDesktop Builder then you can expect it be about 20% smaller too
  • We have optimized performance when you click the "Run" button. Now we only rebuild what we need to rebuild instead of doing a full rebuild each time. Depending on what you have changed in your app the "Run" button is now up to 8x faster!
  • You can now retrieve objects that were created by the ToDesktop Builder UI. Here's a tutorial where we retrieve the tray object for example.
  • We've added an intercom widget to ToDesktop Builder. Just click the "i" icon in the bottom right and choose "Message Support"


  • URLs now point at instead of
  • We've made quite a few UI refreshes and tweaks
  • Fixed some bugs with global hotkey and case sensitivity
  • We highlight out-of-date plugins on our UI
  • We now have a nice update flow when ToDesktop Builder is updated. We now show you an explicit prompt
  • You can now open a ToDesktop with a start URL. This gives us compatibility with Raycast extensions.
  • Fixed the About dialog for Windows and Linux
  • Fixed some minimize-to-tray bugs
  • Support eventIds on legacy listeners
May 9, 2023


  • Plugins are in beta with a whole new plugin UI
  • Apps now have sandbox enabled
  • When opening third-party protocols we now show a checkbox to prevent the dialog from showing in future
  • Profile page updated


  • Apps can now behave like a web browser and be opened with a "Start URL"
  • Document new "Files" page on Builder
  • Various typo fixes
  • Fixed download links
  • Tweak tab text colour
  • Fixed logout persistence
  • Made onboarding screen draggable
  • Fullscreen mode fixes
  • Offline screen is draggable
  • Updated testimonials on first screen
  • Ignore notifications that don't have a title or body
  • Deeplink fixes
  • Improve tooltip positioning and handling
  • Various Style/UI tweaks
  • Fix blank window issue when BrowserWindow is transparent
  • Whitelist BrowserWindow title in constructor
  • Preselect App ID when possible
March 24, 2023


  • Support command line flags with ToDesktop Builder apps. Includes support for --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure.
  • Add functionality to auto-hide the menu bar on Windows.


  • Make app updates more reliable on Mac.
  • Whitelist roundedCorners BrowserWindow prop. You can now use it client-core API.
March 17, 2023


  • Toggle the class of <html> element when Find in Page is active in window.


  • Disable the run button while an app is being launched.
  • Fix endless authentication loop on Windows.
  • Fixed an error on symlink creation on Windows.
March 13, 2023


  • Added support for "before-quit-for-update" functionality.


  • Fixed the issue with the "Launch at Startup" menu item not working.
  • Resolved template images not displaying correctly in the system tray.
  • Addressed an error occurring while duplicating the app.